Zeno (Dragon Ball Super) Feature

Zeno (Dragon Ball Super), also known as the Omni-King, is one of the most intriguing and powerful characters in Dragon Ball Super. Zeno (Dragon Ball Super) presence brings a sense of awe and mystery, as he holds the ultimate authority over all universes.

Origins and Background

Zeno (Dragon Ball Super) is the ruler of all the universes in the Dragon Ball multiverse. His childlike appearance and demeanor contrast sharply with his immense power and authority. There are actually two Zenos in Dragon Ball Super: the Present Zeno and the Future Zeno, both of whom coexist after the events of the “Future Trunks Saga.”

Personality and Traits

Despite his omnipotent status, Zeno (Dragon Ball Super) exhibits a playful and innocent personality. He enjoys games and has a childlike curiosity about the world around him. However, his innocent demeanor can also be unsettling, as he can erase entire universes without a second thought if he deems it necessary.

Powers and Abilities

Zeno’s powers are unmatched and truly god-like:

  • Erasure: Zeno has the ability to erase anything from existence, including entire universes, with a simple gesture. His power is absolute, and nothing can resist his erasure.
  • Omnipotence: As the Omni-King, Zeno’s power transcends all other beings in the Dragon Ball multiverse. He can alter reality and bend the rules of the universe to his will.
  • Teleportation: Zeno can instantly teleport himself and others to any location within the multiverse.

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Notable Moments

Zeno’s appearances in Dragon Ball Super are often pivotal and impactful:

  • Tournament of Power: Zeno’s decision to host the Tournament of Power put the fate of several universes on the line. His excitement and curiosity about the tournament led to intense battles and alliances.
  • Erasure of Universes: Throughout the Tournament of Power, Zeno erased the universes of the teams that lost, showcasing his absolute power and the high stakes of the tournament.
  • Friendship with Goku: Zeno’s friendship with Goku is a unique dynamic. Goku’s carefree and friendly nature endears him to Zeno, leading to a bond that influences key events in the series.


Zeno’s role in Dragon Ball Super serves as a reminder of the vast and complex hierarchy of power within the Dragon Ball multiverse. His character adds a sense of scale and ultimate authority to the series, highlighting the ever-expanding universe that the characters navigate.

In the Dragon Ball universe, Zeno stands as the ultimate authority, a being whose power and innocence bring both wonder and fear.

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