You can increase blog traffic in many ways. Huge blog traffic motivates you to create more blog post.
Blog Traffic also help to earn money from blogging with different source of online money making such as Adsens, Affiliate Marketing, sponsorship etc

What is Blog Traffic?

When you type a query, which can be a word, phrase, question, to get information google search engine.

Then google search engine searches the available index data and shows the result to you.

After seeing Google Search Engine results you clicked on the link and visited that particular website, then that website got traffic.  

Visited websites can be blog website, company website, profile website or any other informative website.

How much traffic does your blog get?

A blog can get huge traffic and there is no limit.

But all blog traffic depends upon how much your blog is SEO optimised.

If you have implemented SEO strategy properly then your blog website is visible to Google Search Engine and then you will find your blog in Google Search Engine Ranking Page and click on your blog site link.

So, there is no limit to how much blog traffic you get!

How to increase Blog Traffic?

Identify your Audience

Who is reading your blog?

Identify what your audience wants to read more.

This helps to create new content according to your audience flavour.

Identify Keyword

Identify keywords to create content.

Keywords help your blog indexed in Google quickly and get blog traffic.

Use keyword Properly

Use your target keyword in blog post properly. You can use target keyword in:

i. Title Tag

ii. URL

ii. Meta Description

ii. Blog post Title

ii. Sub-Heading

ii. Image Title and Alt Text

ii. Body Content

Write about trending topics

Trending topics means people are searching for this topic in Google Search Engine and want to know more about the topic.

So, You can find such trending topics related to your niche.

You can use Google Trends to find trending topics.

Also,you can use different tools to find trending topics such as Ubersuggest

Commnet on Related Blogs

Blog commenting is bestway to get Blog traffic.

When you comment on a blog, you leave your name and website url. Google finds your link in a blog and treats it as a backlink. 

Also, a reader visits that blog and finds your comment is useful then that reader finds your link and visits your website. Which increases your blog traffic.

Share your blog post on Social Media

After publishing your blog, don’t forget to share your blog on social media such as Facebook, Quora, Pinterest, Instagram, X formally Twitter etc.

Send Email as Newsletters

After sharing your blog on social media, send email newsletters to your subscriber.

Whenever your subscriber checks email and finds your newsletters about a new blog post.

Then that subscriber clicks on your new blog post which increases your blog traffic.

Optimise your blog post

After creating a blog post, optimise your blog. Add necessary keywords in title, subtitle, use H1, H2, H3 tag, use short keyword, long tail keyword, two word keyword.


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